Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kindergarden Bound!!!

So, Alexa started KiNdErGaRdEn today!!!  I asked Erin if I could come over before she left to take pictures etc.  Of course I was a crying mess before I got there, held it together during, and lost it afterwards.  I know this may be ridiculous...I am only an Auntie after all.  However, there is a certain type of love that develops when you hold your niece for the first time, feed her, change her, play with her, discipline her, hear her laugh, and even just look at her.  You see, I love Alexa unconditionally and want everything good for her.  I can't even imagine how I will feel about my own children because how can you even love someone more? 

Alexa has become such a beautiful, sweet girl in 5.5 years that we have been blessed with her.  Today I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up.  She replied matter of factly:  "A mommy and a teacher."  Such a wonderful aspiration:  nurturing, loving, and teaching.  Such an amazing, caring heart!

I can't help but to worry though:  Will she make friends?  Is she nervous?  Will she do well in school?  Can she open her lunchable by herself?  Did the braid I added to her pony tail this morning stay in okay???  I want her to be so happy.  More than anything, I covered her in prayer.  Life is not perfect...Alexa will learn this...but one thing is constant:  the unconditional love and grace of God.  I just prayed that He guide her and protect her and that she will desire to serve Him and set a good example for others. 

So here's to year 1 of many years of school for Alexa!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

From "ew" to NEW! **UPDATED!!!**

 Lately, my creative side has been itching to dig in and re-create something!  After several weeks of searching for a good project, I finally found my victim!  I have been wanting to hang something in my paneled den, which tends to be dark with all of that wood and only one window.  I thought this would brighten it up.

After rummaging through Goodwill, I found two 12x24 frames for $5 each.  As you can see, the picture is hideous and the hunter green frame is just as attractive :)  I removed the picture and glass, spray painted the frame and put it back together.  I used a large piece of drawing paper instead of a matte board.  I attached the photos with sticky photo corners so I can change them out if I want.  Voila!  Two huge frames for a total of $14 including spray paint.

I am waiting to hang them because I want to find 3 smaller frames to hang between these long ones ( my OCD nature will not allow an unbalanced decoration).  I'll have to update this post once everything is hung.

On a funny note, I showed Clay the "before" picture and told him this was our new picture I wanted to hang..."Do you like it???"  He said "YES!!!"  Lol...poor Clay, tricked again :)  At least I know he will tell white lies to make me feel good!!
Final product :)  Thanks for hanging them Clay!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012


This post is about a week overdue...but better late than never.  Clay, myself, Julie and Josh had the pleasure of visiting one of NC's most beautiful homes, compliments of my amazing dad.  I never get tired of touring the immaculate gardens and grandeous rooms of Biltmore.  The pictures speak for themselves:

Lunch in the Stable Cafe...thanks Josh and Julie!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sew what?

My latest sewing project:  A case for Kathy's e-reader.  It actually ended up being too big and I, being an uncontrollable perfectionist to the point that I annoy myself, was forced to rip out almost every single stitch, re-configure the whole thing, and re-sew everything.  I just couldn't let her keep it knowing that it wasn't a perfect fit!!  Hopefully, it will fit this time :)  ***UPDATE:  IT FITS!!!***
Outside:  Flap velcros down

Inside:  The cardboard represents the e-reader...this is before I made it smaller.  I'm just hoping I didn't make it too small!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Make it rain: Reed Bostian Baby Shower Reveal!

Today an amazing group of ladies hosted a baby shower honoring Amanda Bostian.  Reed Wellington Bostian is due in October, and we got to "shower" Amanda with gifts in anticipation of a precious little one.  The theme was "Make it Rain" with orange and turquoise.  I was amazed how each element came together to create such a cute shower!  Many ladies put so much time and effort to show their love for Amanda!!  Here is a pictorial tour of the event :)

"Thanks for Dropping By" Favors

This was my favorite!!


Adorable Invitation