Wednesday, August 29, 2012

From "ew" to NEW! **UPDATED!!!**

 Lately, my creative side has been itching to dig in and re-create something!  After several weeks of searching for a good project, I finally found my victim!  I have been wanting to hang something in my paneled den, which tends to be dark with all of that wood and only one window.  I thought this would brighten it up.

After rummaging through Goodwill, I found two 12x24 frames for $5 each.  As you can see, the picture is hideous and the hunter green frame is just as attractive :)  I removed the picture and glass, spray painted the frame and put it back together.  I used a large piece of drawing paper instead of a matte board.  I attached the photos with sticky photo corners so I can change them out if I want.  Voila!  Two huge frames for a total of $14 including spray paint.

I am waiting to hang them because I want to find 3 smaller frames to hang between these long ones ( my OCD nature will not allow an unbalanced decoration).  I'll have to update this post once everything is hung.

On a funny note, I showed Clay the "before" picture and told him this was our new picture I wanted to hang..."Do you like it???"  He said "YES!!!"  Lol...poor Clay, tricked again :)  At least I know he will tell white lies to make me feel good!!
Final product :)  Thanks for hanging them Clay!!!

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